My mission as a writer is grounded in a personal philosophy that says we must take responsibility for our own actions in all situations. Empowerment starts within. Whether we are exiting an unhealthy relationship, rebuilding one that has potential, or rediscovering ourselves, there is always a need  to look within and determine what we may need to do differently to achieve a more fulfilling life. Each book, poem or article that I write addresses this need.
Empowerment Through Reintegration
Fight for Your Life!
Status: Published February 2013

Synopsis: Letters to the Brokenhearted is an essential guide for refocusing, rebuilding and reloving after a relationship ends.

Status: Published June 2013

Empowerment Through Reintegration is a workbook that integrates the concepts of self-motivation, hope, and relationship-building as a strategy for promoting Post-Traumatic Growth in service members returning home.
Status: To be published Fall 2015

Synopsis:The Spirit of Love offers a practical look at what it really means to live in love and peace, even when life is getting on that last nerve - all through the lens of ​1 Corinthians 8.
Status: Published
​December 2, 2014

Synopsis: Dancing in the Dark teaches us how to follow the Spirit from the crossroads of darkness and uncertainty to the sheer ecstasy of living our life’s purpose.
Status: First draft of all chapters are written. In writing and revising phase.

Synopsis: The Ten Gallon Challenge is a no non-sense guide to what it truly means to live a life of love, even in the face of ugliness. Living in love means that no one, no matter what they say or do, can steal our joy.
It's Your Life. Love it!